Social Media

Is your business ready to pop the question?

Engagement…. A bit scary if you are single but really essential if you are a business owner. With 14 million Facebook and YouTube users in Australia and 5 million on Instagram, if you are not interacting with this market then your competitors will. There is method to the madness of engaging with potential customers on social media but at Black Sheep we have the expertise to make this work for you. It’s not expensive, it does work and we can show you how.

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How we work

The first thing to do is give us a call or use our contact form and we will call you. During a quick chat we can work out what you think you need and how best we can help you. We can talk about your business issues and how Black Sheep can help you fix them.

You will love working with us as we discuss your business in more detail, budgets for what you want to achieve and how we will reach your business goals.

Go on, pick up the phone and call (07) 5300 0100 . You are so close to a better business.

“It’s not expensive, it does work and we can show you how.”

Why Us

Our services are available to all types and sizes of business. If you own a small business and just want a flyer produced, then we can help. Need a website that brings people to your door, yes that’s up our alley too. We can also design a full year email marketing and social media strategy linking back to an e-commerce web site, that’s our big impressive example btw.
So whether it is just you or you have a staff of 500 we are here to help you just the same.
Why not make that call now, may be the best thing you have done all week! Call (07) 5300 0100.

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